

Wong Yu Zhang

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Aug 2023 - Dec 2026
Bachelors of Computing in Information Security; National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Apr 2018 - Mar 2021
Diploma in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics; Nanyang Polytechnic (Singapore)


Security Research Intern, V-Key, Vietnam
May 2024 - Aug 2024

  • Overseas Internship as part of NUS Overseas College Programme
  • Developed proof of concept obfuscationa of MachO binaries on the iOS platform.
  • Reverse engineered MachO binaries to look for potential points of attack for malware and jailbreak detection evasion applications.

DevSecOps Engineer, Our Code Lab, Singapore
Jul 2023 - Present

  • Performed multiple white box security testing on Our Code Lab’s clients and applications, reported XSS vulnerabilities with proof of concept attacks and recommended fixes.
  • Assisted in the development of multiple Full Stack Web application projects utilizing React, NextJS, MySQL.

Security Research Intern, Centre for Strategic Infocomm Technologies, Singapore
Sep 2020 - Nov 2020

  • Analyzed and reported on the functionalities, capabilities and behavior of the Reptile Rootkit
  • Developed a Linux Kernel Module rootkit detection program with utilizing methods such as Hidden Module, Hidden Process and Syscall Hooking detections.

Vulnerability Research Intern, Scantist, Singapore
Mar 2020 - May 2020

  • Implemented asynchronous file downloading to ensure the efficiency of collecting open-source data for training the Scantist BOM (Thompson) detection application.

Achievements/Co-curricular Activities/Volunteering

  • Aug 2023 - Present, CSIT Undergraduate Scholarship
  • Apr 2018 - Mar 2021 Scholarship CSIT Diploma Scholarship
  • Jan 2024 - Jan 2025 Bouldering Captain for Tembusu College
  • Sep 2020 - Jul 2021 Cyber Youth Singapore, Head of Community Engagement
    • Organized Cyber Youth Singapore Camp 2020, introducing and educating youths on many areas of Cybersecurity.
    • Organized and ran weekly online meetups and talks during the COVID-19 lockdown, educating and providing youths a platform to discuss and learn about technology

Technical Experience

  • Programming
    • C, Python, C++, Java, x86, MIPS, ARMv8(ARM64) Assembly
  • Penetration Testing
    • Metasploit Framework, Burp Suite, Nmap, Nessus, Zed Attack Proxy, NucleiMonst3r
  • Reverse Engineering
    • Ghidra, IDA, OllyDbg, Frida
  • Forensics
    • Encase, FTK Imager
  • Network Security
    • Firewalls (pfSense, IPTables, Fortinet Fortigate 100f), OpenVPN, Snort IDS
  • Operating Systems
    • Kali Linux, Redhat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Windows, Windows Server (Active Directory), MacOS

Language Proficiency

  • Spoken    English - fluent; Chinese - Average
  • Written    English - fluent; Chinese - Average


  • Interests    Malware Development 💻, Powerlifting 💪, Bodybuilding 🤩, Bouldering 🧗‍♂️
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